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In the issue number 29 of Tattoo Love, we had the privilege of talking with Kaorukel, a 39-year-old tattoo artist whose art and technique have made a mark across Europe.

Her journey in the tattoo world began 7 years ago, driven by her partner and colleague Gustavo. Since then, her style has evolved significantly, especially as she dedicated more time and passion to it.

Kaorukel does not limit herself to a single style, though she has a special fondness for neo-Japanese and color.

Her inspiration comes from Japanese culture, video games, and an insatiable curiosity.

Among her favorite works, she highlights two Japanese sleeves that allowed her complete creative freedom.

Working alongside her partner has been an enriching experience, both professionally and personally. Although balancing work and personal life is a constant challenge, they have managed to progress together, keeping their passion for tattooing alive.

Kaorukel has had the opportunity to tattoo in various countries, noticing significant cultural differences. In Germany and the United States, for example, the profession is more valued, and each place has its particular trends.

Looking to the future, Kaorukel plans an exciting change, possibly moving to the United States.

For aspiring tattoo artists, her advice is clear: patience, practice, and passion are key.

Beyond her career, Kaorukel shares aspects of her personal life, such as her hobbies, favorite music, and a tattoo with a curious story behind it. If her life were a movie, it would be a mix of thrilling scenes and memorable characters.

To learn more about Kaorukel, her experiences, and advice, don’t miss the full interview in Tattoo Love. A must-read for tattoo enthusiasts and those interested in the stories behind the art! 🌟🎨🖌️

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